A large, somewhat out of place scorpion with a weak spot in their eyes and susceptible to fire damage.
Experiment run by Dr Lee. The assumption 'Scorpions are just land lobster' was subject of much discussion. Dr Lee wanted to prove this fast reproducing, meaty arachnid, could be a source of food for prospectors in colder environments.
Due to Prospectors having an extreme aversion to dealing with these enlarged scorpions, this line of research had it's funding cut. Somewhat suspiciously, despite the project being cancelled, a biological containment unit was discovered planet-side. Seeding the large scorpions on Icarus. Dr Lee is currently under investigation.
"This doesn't taste like lobster. **** are they thinking?!"
Skinning an Arctic Scorpion carcass will produce resources, and requires an Iron Knife or better. Because of its weight, a Arctic Scorpion cannot be transported to a
Skinning Bench. Skinning with a
Taxidermy Knife will produce a Vestige that can be used to make a Trophy.