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A wiry cat like creature native to the volcanic regions of Prometheus. It has a weakness to frost, which is somewhat difficult to exploit.



According to the spawn map, Arid Striker only has two small spawning area in Basalt Expansion and tends to become more common in southern Basalt Valley and some areas in Lava Flow. Prospectors looking for something in volcanic regions that is not exclusive to Basalt Valley or Lava Flow should avoid these regions to minimize encounters with Arid Striker.


Melee is not recommended due to its potent attacks. Fabricated ranged weapon like Platinum Crossbow may slow it and buy you some time, and a Stealth-Crit shot from Bolt-Action/Hunting rifle may be enough to one-shot it in Medium or Easy difficulties.

Headshot is possible. Use Cold Steel Ammo for maximum effectiveness.

First Strike[]

If you spot an Arid Striker before it sees you, try attacking it the maximum range you can aim to increase the chance it dies to your damage before it reaches you. Some Medium Wood Hedgehog facing toward it will act as your second shield.

Being Ambushed[]

When being ambushed by an Arid Striker, running without a fast mount is generally useless as it can outrun prospectors and is more adept to the complex terrain in the volcanic region. Wear the best armor you can offer and bring a good knife when exploring the volcanic region to maximize the chance of survival.


Arid Strikers are known for their extremely sharp claws, with an edge keen enough to gut a human in one blow, suit and all.

The Arid Striker is one of the reasons the UDA implemented the controversial 'buddy' system. Prospectors with enough spare cash could choose a teammate to drop down with, in order to spot each other through Stalker territory. The costs for this were astronomical, and the program was quickly scrapped.

I mean, have you SEEN the claws on those things?! I am never going into the Volcanic areas again. EVER.


Skinning a Arid Striker carcass will produce resources, and requires an ITEM Iron Knife Iron Knife or better. A Arid Striker cannot be transported to a ITEM Skinning Bench Skinning Bench. Skinning with a ITEM Taxidermy Knife Taxidermy Knife will produce a Head that can be used to make a Trophy.

Corpse Text[]
