Icarus Wiki
Icarus Wiki


Due to the frequency of Weather Events that occur on the surface of Icarus, prospectors require Shelter for themselves and their belongings when attempting Prospects. While many prospectors will find adequate shelter in one of the moon's numerous Caves, other prospectors long for the convenience and aesthetic qualities offered by building structures. The building system provided to prospectors includes a varied and flexible experience, and allows prospectors to exercise innovation and creativity in construction.


When a prospectors places their first building piece down on the surface of Icarus, it creates a grid interface allows the snapping of building pieces together. While a prospector can cancel this grid placement with the "End" key, It is a convenient way to align building pieces by default.

Prospectors have several types of control when building. By pressing the R key they can switch the direction a building piece is facing, and by holding that key down they can select from a subset for that particular piece. For example, holding R while attempting to place a wall piece will allow prospectors to place a wall with cutouts for windows or a door.

Each material has limitations in Structural Integrity.

Building Mechanics[]

Prospectors can spend blueprint Points on a number of different Building Pieces, each of which can be made from several types of construction materials. Prospectors must spend a blueprint point for every building piece they wish to learn, and for each type of material they want to utilize. For example, they would need two blueprint points for Wood Beams and Stone Beams if they want to build both types.

Prospectors face several strategic decisions when determining how they want to build on Icarus. Different materials offer distinct benefits, and yet come with disadvantages as well. At the extremes, Thatch Building Pieces can be unlocked much earlier than other material types, when the prospector is in Tier 1 of the Tech Tree. It is also exceptionally "cheap" to produce, requiring easily obtainable materials. However, it is very susceptible to damage from storms, and very flamm able. Concrete Building Pieces, on the other hand, are not available until Tier 3, and are exceptionally difficult to produce. They require large amounts of Silica Ore, Stone, and Steel resources but are incredibly durable and flame-resistant.

Types of Buildings[]

Types of Pieces[]

There are several distinct pieces that prospectors can use to construct structures and buildings: Pillars, and Frames which serve as sturdy foundations that allow prospectors to build higher. Floors, Walls, Roofs, Angled Walls, Halfpitches, Half-Pieces, Ladders, Doors, Floor Trapdoors, Trapdoors, Roof Corners, Railings, Stairs, and Windows.
