When Building, prospectors have the option to select from several different material types. Each material type has its own strengths and weaknesses, so prospectors are advised to consider their choices carefully.
Aluminium Building Pieces |
Aluminium building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 3 of the Tech Tree. They are exceptionally light and fire resistant, making them a good choice when a prospector wants to pack building pieces for a trek.
Clay Brick Building Pieces |
Clay Brick building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 3 of the Tech Tree. Clay is a material found in Prometheus.
Concrete Building Pieces |
Concrete building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 3 of the Tech Tree. They offer incredible thermal insulation and are the strongest building pieces currently used on Icarus. Concrete building pieces are immune to storm damage. Concrete building pieces are very well-suited for use in both the Arctic and Desert Biomes, but they are very expensive to manufacture. Prospectors will have to gather large amounts of Silica Ore, Steel and Stone to build with concrete.
Glass Building Pieces |
Glass building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 3 of the Tech Tree. Glass is a resource-intensive construction material, requiring large amounts of Silica Ore. It is not very durable in Storms, but aesthetically it cannot be beat for windows and other decorative elements. When the Glassworking Bench is connected to an active water source, the more durable Reinforced Glass Building Pieces can be crafted, matching the durability and resistance to storms as Stone Building Pieces.
Reinforced Glass Building Pieces |
Reinforced Glass building pieces are a more durable version of Glass Building Pieces made with Steel Ingots at a Glassworking Bench with an active Water connection. Regular Glass Building Pieces must be researched and unlocked before unlocking Reinforced Glass Building Pieces. Reinforced Glass is a good material to build greenhouses for Farming as it is durable against weather damage and provides a 'Greenhouse' effect for Crop Plots that increases yield.
Interior Wood Building Pieces |
Interior wood building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 2 of the Tech Tree. These building pieces have a much cleaner look than their earlier Wood versions, and while not suitable for use in exposed sections of a structure, they give buildings a more "lived-in" appearance.
Reinforced Wood Building Pieces |
Reinforced wood building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 2 of the Tech Tree. These building pieces are more resistant to damage than their earlier Wood versions with the inclusion of Beeswax
Scoria Building Pieces |
Scoria is only available on Prometheus and can be obtained by using a Sledgehammer on exposed deposits or by using Deep Ore Mining deposit.
Scoria Brick Building Pieces |
Scoria Brick is obtained by placing scoria in a furnace and only available in Prometheus. The building pieces are crafted on an Advanced or Electric Masonry Bench.
Stone Building Pieces |
Stone building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 2 of the Tech Tree. They are the first considerably durable building pieces available to prospectors, and the Stone Frame is the first foundation piece that allows for structures of greater height. Stone building pieces are resistant to most storms, especially in the Forest Biome, and don't burn like Thatch Building Pieces or Wood Building Pieces.
Stone Brick Building Pieces |
Stone Brick building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 3 of the Tech Tree. They are slightly more durable than the Stone Building Pieces available to prospectors.
Thatch Building Pieces |
Thatch building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 1 of the Tech Tree. They are the first building pieces that prospectors can access, are relatively cheap to construct, and are very susceptible to Storm damage.
Wood Building Pieces |
Wood building pieces can be unlocked in Tier 1 of the Tech Tree. They offer a compromise between the durability of Stone Building Pieces and the easy construction of Thatch Building Pieces. While still flammable, they are able to withstand Storms better than Thatch, especially if a prospector has their Wood Repair Hammer handy.
All items (180)
- Aluminium Beam
- Aluminium Door
- Aluminium Floor
- Aluminium Floor Trapdoor
- Aluminium Halfpieces
- Aluminium Halfpitches
- Aluminium Ladder
- Aluminium Railing
- Aluminium Ramp
- Aluminium Roof
- Aluminium Roof Corner
- Aluminium Stairs
- Aluminium Trapdoor
- Aluminium Wall
- Aluminium Wall Angled
- Aluminium Window
- Clay Brick Beam
- Clay Brick Floor
- Clay Brick Halfpieces
- Clay Brick Halfpitches
- Clay Brick Ramp
- Clay Brick Roof Corner
- Clay Brick Wall
- Clay Brick Wall Angle
- Concrete Beam
- Concrete Floor
- Concrete Floor Trapdoor
- Concrete Frame
- Concrete Halfpieces
- Concrete Halfpitches
- Concrete Railing
- Concrete Ramp
- Concrete Roof
- Concrete Roof Corner
- Concrete Stairs
- Concrete Wall
- Concrete Wall Angled
- Interior Wood Beam
- Interior Wood Door
- Interior Wood Floor
- Interior Wood Halfpieces
- Interior Wood Halfpitches
- Interior Wood Ladder
- Interior Wood Railing
- Interior Wood Railing Gate
- Interior Wood Ramp
- Interior Wood Trapdoor
- Interior Wood Wall
- Interior Wood Wall Angled
- Reinforced Door
- Reinforced Glass Beam
- Reinforced Glass Floor
- Reinforced Glass Halfpieces
- Reinforced Glass Halfpitches
- Reinforced Glass Roof
- Reinforced Glass Roof Corner
- Reinforced Glass Wall
- Reinforced Glass Wall Angled
- Reinforced Ladder
- Reinforced Railing
- Reinforced Trapdoor
- Reinforced Window
- Reinforced Wood Floor
- Reinforced Wood Halfpieces
- Reinforced Wood Halfpitches
- Reinforced Wood Ramp
- Reinforced Wood Roof Corner
- Reinforced Wood Wall
- Reinforced Wood Wall Angle
- Scoria Beam
- Scoria Brick Beam
- Scoria Brick Floor
- Scoria Brick Halfpieces
- Scoria Brick Halfpitches
- Scoria Brick Ramp
- Scoria Brick Roof Corner
- Scoria Brick Wall
- Scoria Brick Wall Angle
- Scoria Floor
- Scoria Frame
- Scoria Halfpieces
- Scoria Halfpitches
- Scoria Ramp
- Scoria Roof Corner
- Scoria Wall
- Scoria Wall Angled
- Stone Beam
- Stone Brick Beam
- Stone Brick Floor
- Stone Brick Halfpieces
- Stone Brick Halfpitches
- Stone Brick Ramp
- Stone Brick Roof Corner
- Stone Brick Wall
- Stone Brick Wall Angle
- Stone Floor
- Stone Floor Trapdoor
- Stone Frame
- Stone Halfpieces
- Stone Halfpitches
- Stone Ramp
- Stone Roof
- Stone Roof Corner
- Stone Stairs
- Stone Wall
- Stone Wall Angled
- Thatch Beam
- Thatch Door
- Thatch Floor
- Thatch Floor Trapdoor
- Thatch Halfpieces
- Thatch Halfpitches
- Thatch Ladder
- Thatch Railing
- Thatch Roof
- Thatch Roof Corner
- Thatch Trapdoor
- Thatch Wall
- Thatch Wall Angled
- Thatch Window