Upon dropping on to the surface of Icarus, prospectors have no possessions other than their environmental suit and the Workshop Items they bring with them. As they begin gathering stones, sticks and flora with their bare hands, they can start to craft items that increase their chances of survival. As a prospector progresses through the Tech Tree, they may eventually thrive on the surface long enough to harvest the Exotics that are in such demand on the space station!
Items come in many forms and shapes: some are crafted for a specific task, while others can be used in multiple situations.
Attachment Packs |
Armors |
Building Pieces |
Consumables |
Deployables |
Envirosuits |
Modules |
Resources |
Tools |
Weapons |
Tech Trees[]
Icarus's items are divided into different Tiers, visit these links to learn more:
Orbital Tech[]
Tech Tier 1[]
Tech Tier 2[]
Tech Tier 3[]
Tech Tier 4[]
Trending pages
All items (289)
- Adlift Module
- Advanced Deep Mining Ore Scanner
- Advanced Iron Lure
- Advanced Storm Visor Attachment
- Advanced Supplemental Respiration Attachment
- Aerodynamic Attachment
- Animal Healthbar Module
- Animal Highlighting Module
- Anti-Parasitic Paste
- Anti-Parasitic Tonic
- Anti-Poison Paste
- Anti-Poison Tonic
- Antibiotic Paste
- Antibiotic Tonic
- Archer's Backpack
- Armor Attachment Pack
- Attack Speed Attachment
- B.E.A.S.T.
- Bark Lure
- Basic Fishing Rod
- Basic Scope Attachment
- Binoculars
- Biofuel Can
- Biofuel Extractor
- Biofuel Lamp
- Biofuel Radar
- Biomore Backpack
- Black Wolf Knife
- Black Wolf Lure
- Blood Thinning Paste
- Blood Thinning Tonic
- Blue Reed Lure
- Bone Knife
- Bone Lure
- Bone Shield
- Bone Sickle
- Building Upgrade Tool
- C0NT4CT Radio
- Calibrated Grip Attachment
- Canteen
- Carbon Fibre Round Shield
- Cave Scanner
- Caveworm Knife
- Clay
- Cold Steel Axe
- Cold Steel Pickaxe
- Cold Steel Sledgehammer
- Combat Knife
- Composite Tactical Shield
- Copper Attachment
- Cured Leather Lure
- IC-001 Extractor
- IC-001 Prototype Power Source
- IC-001 Radar
- Ice Box Backpack
- Inaris "Cerulean" Knife
- Inaris "Claret" Pickaxe
- Inaris "Crimson" Knife
- Inaris "Dawn" Axe
- Inaris "Dias" Axe
- Inaris "Ersa" Axe
- Inaris "Neves" Pickaxe
- Inaris "Night" Pickaxe
- Inaris "Sali" Axe
- Inaris "Shade" Knife
- Inaris "Ventura" Knife
- Inaris "Viridian" Pickaxe
- Infrasonic Relay Upgrade
- Ion Backpack
- Iron Axe
- Iron Hammer
- Iron Knife
- Iron Lure
- Iron Pickaxe
- Iron Shears
- Iron Sickle
- Iron Sledgehammer
- Lantern
- Larkwell Martinez Axe
- Larkwell Martinez Hammer
- Larkwell Martinez Heated Canteen
- Larkwell Martinez Knife
- Larkwell Martinez Mercenary Backpack
- Larkwell Martinez Oxygen Tank
- Larkwell Martinez Pickaxe
- Larkwell Martinez Sickle
- Larkwell Martinez Tactical Backpack
- Leather Attachment
- Leather Backpack
- Lightweight Frame Attachment
- Lily
- Lowburn Module
- Machete
- Mass Dampener Module
- Medical Satchel
- Melee Damage Attachment
- Miasmic Sledgehammer
- Miner's Module
- MXC Axe
- MXC Camping Cooker
- MXC Camping Heater
- MXC Firewhacker
- MXC Fuel Canister
- MXC Hammer
- MXC Hydrazine Canister
- MXC Knife
- MXC Pickaxe
- MXC Sickle
- Patcher I Module
- Patcher II Module
- Pheromone Module
- Plating Attachment
- Platinum Axe
- Platinum Hammer
- Platinum Knife
- Platinum Pickaxe
- Platinum Shield
- Platinum Sickle
- Platinum Weave
- Player Tracker Module
- Pockets Attachment
- Poison Sack Lure
- Potato
- Prime Meat Attachment
- Protection Module