Caves can be found in the rocky outcrops or sides of mountains on Icarus in all map locations and are the source of the majority of Resources that aid in advancing tech. While some cave entrances are underwater, some need to be mined through to enter, which is indicated by a when hovering over a minable wall.
Entering a cave will apply the Underground debuff, which can cause Cave Sickness if prospectors remain in a cave for too long. Caves may spawn Caveworms and/or Bees, which will respawn after a set amount of time. Some caves have water pools, Mushrooms and pit hazards. Caves can connect to other caves, while some are tunnels to other Regions on the map. After an update/patch, caves that you have mined the entrance to enter may become resealed.
Ore Distribution[]
While all ore on Olympus and Styx is evenly distributed regardless of tier, on Prometheus certain biomes contain certain ores:
Ore | % Distribution |
Iron Ore | 60% |
Copper Ore | 20% |
Coal | 10% |
Gold Ore | 5% |
Aluminium Ore | 5% |
Ore | % Distribution |
Silica | 20% |
Iron Ore | 20% |
Gold Ore | 20% |
Aluminium Ore | 20% |
Copper Ore | 7% |
Platinum Ore | 7% |
Titanium Ore | 7% |
Ore | % Distribution |
Iron Ore | 55% |
Copper Ore | 27% |
Coal | 9% |
Gold Ore | 5% |
Platinum Ore | 5% |
Ore | % Distribution |
Iron Ore | 23% |
Gold Ore | 18% |
Aluminium Ore | 18% |
Platinum Ore | 14% |
Titanium Ore | 14% |
Coal | 9% |
Copper Ore | 5% |
External Links[]
External websites, such as IcarusIntel, host interactive maps that have an extensive amount of map information, including the locations of caves.