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Caveworms typically are found only in caves, but sometimes during a scripted event they will spawn in places outside of caves.

Strategic Info[]

While being rather weak physically, caveworms can be a deadly foe to face for the unprepared prospector. They will usually appear from the ground inside caves upon entering, and will after a few moments release a poisonous spit towards prospectors. Their poisoning shot can be easily dodged, but upon hitting terrain or even prospectors will cause area of effect(AoE) damage, which will also poison prospectors and will continue to stack causing increased tick damage for every stack. Keeping this in mind, before entering caves bringing along some sort of anti-poison medicine, such as ITEM Anti-Poison Pill Anti-Poison Pill, can prevent an unnecessary death.

Caveworm poison causes a prospector to take 3-5 damage in health points per tick, stacking up to five times. Additionally, the base movement speed is also reduced by " -15 ".


Commonly found in cave systems all across Icarus. This Infant Sandworm is believed to be the second stage of the Worm life cycle.

Freshly hatched, these larva like worms use Icarus cave systems as a relatively safe environment to grow. Scientists believe the mineral rich habitat contributes to this growth.

"Cave clearing. We all have to do it some time... Though... They\\'re like roaches, always come back eventually."


When killed Caveworms will drop a lootbag, inside prospectors will find scales and poison sacks. These are used for crafting items like the ITEM Caveworm Bow Caveworm Bow and ITEM Caveworm Arrow Caveworm Arrow, which is unlocked after completion of the Unearthed: Research prospect.

Loot Table
Resource Amount
ITEM Worm Scale Worm Scale 2 - 5
ITEM Poison Sack Poison Sack 1 - 2