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Deep Mining Ore Deposits are high-yield, infinite deposits of resources that can be found with a ITEM Deep Mining Ore Scanner Deep Mining Ore Scanner/ITEM Advanced Deep Mining Ore Scanner Advanced Deep Mining Ore Scanner and then mined with a ITEM Biofuel Deep-Mining Drill Biofuel Deep-Mining Drill or ITEM Electric Deep-Mining Drill Electric Deep-Mining Drill.

*Oxite and Stone Deep Ore Veins only spawn on prospects created after 05/02/2024.


Deep Mining Ore Deposits return a high-amount of resources, but take time to extract. Refer to the following table for the base time-per-ore for each node type per type of drill.

As of the Week 126 Update, Deep Mining Drills now have increased drilling speeds (up to 20%) based on area level. Harder areas increase drilling speed - refer to the Olympus, Styx, and Prometheus spawn maps for information on area levels.

Type Yield Time Per Ore (seconds)
Min Max ITEM Biofuel Deep-Mining Drill Biofuel Deep-Mining Drill ITEM Electric Deep-Mining Drill Electric Deep-Mining Drill
ITEM Iron Ore Iron Ore 30 20
ITEM Copper Ore Copper Ore 35 23
ITEM Gold Ore Gold Ore 45 30
ITEM Silica Silica 35 23
ITEM Coal Coal 20 13
ITEM Sulfur Sulfur 20 13
ITEM Aluminium Ore Aluminium Ore 45 30
ITEM Platinum Ore Platinum Ore 50 33
ITEM Titanium Ore Titanium Ore 55 37
ITEM Salt Salt 15 10
ITEM Oxite Oxite* 15 10
ITEM Stone Stone* 15 10
Prometheus Exclusive Resources
ITEM Clay Clay 30 20
ITEM Scoria Scoria 40 27
ITEM Obsidian Obsidian 45 30