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The Glassworking Bench is a mid-to-late game technology that allows Prospectors to create ITEM Glass Glass resources and construction elements, like the ITEM Glass Window Glass Window and ITEM Glass Roof Glass Roof. In addition, Prospectors can create containers for food and beverages, such as the ITEM Glass Bottle Glass Bottle and ITEM Glass Jar Glass Jar.

While it can be placed with no shelter, it would be unusable. Will take damage if left without shelter (or under severely damaged roof) in storms.

Glass Building Pieces have the health/strength equivalent to Wood Building Pieces. When the Glassworking Bench is provided 250 water (requires a ITEM Water Pipe Tool Water Pipe Tool and a ITEM Biofuel Water Pump Biofuel Water Pump\ITEM Electric Water Pump Electric Water Pump), it will produce Reinforced Glass building pieces, which will have the health/strength equivalent to Stone Building Pieces.


The Glassworking Bench is crafted at the Machining Bench/Fabricator with the following resources:

ITEM Machining Bench Machining Bench
Amount Resource
24 ITEM Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
10 ITEM Refined Wood Refined Wood
6 ITEM Epoxy Epoxy
6 ITEM Rope Rope
40 ITEM Copper Nail Copper Nail