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Icon Hungry


Hunger is one of the three survival meters that must be maintained by prospectors while attempting a prospect on Icarus.

Like Oxygen and Thirst, hunger must be replenished on a regular basis, or the prospector will begin to experience increasingly negative effects. If the thirst meter becomes too low, prospectors will have a reduced rate of stamina regeneration, and eventually begin losing Health.


Prospectors replenish their hunger meter by eating Food Items. The most common, early-game food is Wild Berry, which also help replenish the thirst meter when consumed.

Prospectors will have a variety of foods to choose from, and several can offer unique Status Effects when eaten. Some status effects are negative (like Dysentery) while others are very beneficial.

As prospectors progress, they will unlock more efficient ways of storing and obtaining food. For example, in Tier 2 they can unlock the Ice Box, which allows prospectors to drastically reduce the rate that food decays. In Tier 3, prospectors can unlock the Kitchen Bench; this allows for the creation of Bread Dough and Berry Jam.
