Icarus Wiki
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Icarus Wiki


The Iron Crop Plot is a farming plot for growing Seeds that can later be harvested for Plant Resources once fully grown. Unless the Prospector has the Talent Fresh Is Best Fresh Is Best talent when deploying a seed into the crop plot, the grown Plant Resource will eventually wither if not harvested.

Connecting the Iron Crop Plot to a powered ITEM Water Pump Water Pump will automatically keep the plot in a 'watered' state, increasing growth speed by 50%. A water connection is not required to use the Iron Crop Plot. Iron Crop Plots can also be watered by right-clicking the plot while holding a Liquid Container or by leaving the plot exposed to the elements. Watering a plot increases growth rate by 50% for 10 minutes real time.

EFE Plant Fatigue

Plants suffer from Plant Fatigue as denoted by the above symbol. Each time a plant is harvested the plant will suffer 10% reduced growth speed and 5% decrease in yield. Removing the plant and reseeding removes this debuff.


  • How do I get seeds?
    • You can find a detailed description on how seeds are obtained here.
  • How are Farming Talents applied to dirt mounds/crop plots?
    • Farming talents are now applied once a seed is deployed into a dirt mound/crop plot.
  • Do I get to keep the modifiers applied from my talents if I decide to reseed?
    • No. Modifiers are cleared every time you manually reseed a dirt mound/crop plot.
  • Do I need to reseed every time I harvest my crops?
    • Crop plots will automatically reseed when harvesting by hand or with a sickle, retaining the modifiers applied.
  • Is there any benefit to using a sickle while harvesting my crops?
    • Using a sickle increases the amount received upon harvesting and increases the chance of obtaining seeds for replanting. (Sickles do not damage crop plots)
  • How do I apply Fertilizer?
    • Equip a fertilizer of your choosing from your hotbar and left click the plot you wish to fertilize.
  • Why can't I inspect my dirt mound/crop plot?
    • Dirt mounds/crop plots can only inspected while a seed is planted and is growing.


The Iron Crop Plot is crafted at the Machining Bench with the following resources:

ITEM Machining Bench Machining Bench
Amount Resources
10 ITEM Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
20 ITEM Copper Wire Copper Wire
12 ITEM Sulfur Sulfur
8 ITEM Steel Screw Steel Screw
20 ITEM Dirt Dirt