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Icarus Wiki


The Mortar and Pestle is an early-game crafting station that allows prospectors to craft several useful Resources and precursor materials, including but not limited to: Steel Bloom, Epoxy, Tree Sap, Carbon Paste, Organic Resin, and Gunpowder.

The Tier 3 upgrade to the Mortar and Pestle is the Windmill, followed by the Material Processor at Tier 4 which requires Electricity and more advanced materials.


The Mortar and Pestle can be crafted at the ITEM Crafting Bench Crafting Bench, ITEM Machining Bench Machining Bench or ITEM Fabricator Fabricator with the following resources:

ITEM Crafting Bench Crafting Bench
Amount Resource
4 ITEM Silica Ore Silica Ore
12 ITEM Stone Stone


The Mortar and Pestle can be used to craft the following recipes:
