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Mounts are part of the husbandry gameplay that includes Mounts and Pets. Mounts give the prospector the ability to ride animals and use them for hauling inventory/heavy cargo items or for quickly traversing terrain. Mounts will accrue a total of 50 talent points and have a maximum level cap of 50.

Mounts have four movement commands (Stay/Follow/Lie Down/Wander) and three combat commands; these can be toggled by facing them, holding F, and selecting the desired option. Mounts can be set to Passive, Defensive (defends owner and self), or Aggressive (attacks fauna that will attack the prospector).  Hitching Rope can also be used to lead mounts and can be attached to a  Hitching Post to keep them from wandering.


Mounts are obtained by finding a juvenile animal and, while close, pressing F to follow you. If the juvenile is following a mature animal, you will need to kill this first. Prepare the area where the juvenile will mature by adding an Animal Bed and a Food Trough; this will allow the juvenile to meet its needs and then begin taming once it's "happy." The juvenile must also be dry and within a comfortable temperature (not too hot or cold). Animal taming can occur inside or outside a building. Juveniles do not defend themselves if attacked, so preparing a suitable taming area or using a Creature Deterrent is advisable. Once tamed, mounts will be a target of wildlife attack.

After the taming bar is full (around 12-30 minutes, depending on player talents, time spent unhappy, etc), the juvenile will grow into an adult and can be claimed by a prospector. Afterward, they are capable of being issued a command (follow/wander/stay/lay down) and can wear mount equipment (Saddles, Packs, and Carts). Mounts are associated with a prospector; you cannot command another prospector's mount. Once tamed, the prospector can place a Basic Riding Saddle on the animal, which will grant the ability to ride it. Whilst in the saddle, prospectors cannot use tools, and the only character crafting available are those associated with the mount. Mounts can enter caves, climb ramps, and jump over small obstacles.

Mountable Creatures[]

Mountable creatures include the Moa, Arctic Moa, Buffalo, Terrenus, Tusker, Zebra, and various Horses. All mounts can have their inventory size and movement speed increased by unlocking certain talents in their talent trees.


The Moa is the fastest of the mounts available but has only two inventory slots and one heavy cargo inventory slot for Equipment. The Moa is a passive mount and will not defend itself or the prospector until they learn the "Protective Instincts" talent. Moas are found in:

Olympus Spawn Map:

  • Conifer_Medium
  • Conifer_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard

Styx Spawn Map:

  • Conifer_Medium
  • Conifer_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard
  • Desert_Medium
  • Desert_Hard
  • Desert_Super_Hard

Prometheus Spawn Map:

  • Grasslands_General
  • Grasslands_General_Birds
  • Grasslands_Conifer
  • Grasslands_Crater

Arctic Moa[]

A feathery variant of its warmer counterpart, the Arctic Moa shares similar talents and statistics to the Moa, with unique talents that increase movement speed in Arctic Biomes, reduced animal threat while in the Arctic, and reduced inventory spoil rate. Arctic Moas are found in:

Olympus Spawn Map:

  • Transition_Hard

Styx Spawn Map:

  • Arctic_Easy

Prometheus Spawn Map:

  • Arctic_General


Buffalos are slower than the Moa and Terrenus but can carry a substantial amount and are capable of hauling packs and carts. The Buffalo starts off with six inventory slots and one heavy cargo inventory slot. Buffalos are found in:

Olympus Spawn Map:

  • Conifer_Medium
  • Conifer_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard

Styx Spawn Map:

  • Conifer_Medium
  • Conifer_Medium_Crocs
  • Conifer_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard_Crocs

Prometheus Spawn Map:

  • Grasslands_Cliffs
  • Grasslands_Conifer
  • Lava_Buffalo


Terrenus are ubiquitous in forest and grassland regions in all three maps and are very common. They are a middle-ground tame, not as fast as the Moa but more sturdy and can carry more. They can only use saddles. The Terrenus has five inventory slots and one heavy cargo inventory slot. Terrenus' are found in:

Olympus Spawn Map:

  • Conifer_Easy
  • Conifer_Medium
  • Conifer_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard

Styx Spawn Map:

  • Conifer_Easy
  • Conifer_Medium
  • Conifer_Hard
  • Conifer_Super_Hard

Prometheus Spawn Map:

  • Grasslands_General
  • Grasslands_General_Birds
  • Grasslands_Conifer


The slowest and strongest of the mounts, Tuskers can only be found in certain arctic regions in Styx but is capable of using all three types of mount equipment. Tuskers are found in:

Styx Spawn Map:

  • Arctic_Easy
  • Arctic_Hard
  • Arctic_Bear_Easy


Zebras cannot be tamed naturally outside of Relocated: Recovery, which requires the Icarus Pet Bundle. Zebras are a side-grade to the Terrenus that can be specialized into desert bonuses, including reduced water consumption in deserts, a Hyperthermia resist aura, and an increase in movement speed in deserts. Can only use saddles. Zebras has five inventory slots and one heavy cargo inventory slot.


Horses are a cosmetic alternative to the Terrenus that requires the Pet Companions DLC. Can be purchased from the Workshop and brought into a prospect using an Orbital Exchange Interface. Horses can only use saddles and have five inventory slots and one heavy cargo inventory slot.

Research Cost Crafting Cost
500 Icon Ren Currency
250 Icon Exotic Currency
250 Icon Ren Currency


Mounts will need to be given food and water, or they will eventually suffer from significantly reduced movement speed, health regeneration, and stamina regeneration to name a few. Mounts cannot die from starvation or dehydration. Food and water can be supplied by using Food Troughs and Water Troughs or by hand feeding the mount by equipping a water container and fruits/vegetables/Animal Feed. Medicinal items can be applied to mounts by equipping a medicinal item from the hotbar and holding right-click while hovering over the recipient.

When mounts die from combat or neglect (fall damage), their body can be looted to retrieve their saddle and any stored contents.


Mounts can have 2 active food buffs at any time and various Animal Feeds can provide different improvements. The modifier effectiveness, modifier duration, and number of food slots can be increased by unlocking the appropriate talent in the animal's talent tree. A mount's maximum stamina and movement speed can also be buffed by using the Pheromone Module, unlocking certain player/mount talents, and/or unlocking a stamina buff via a Bestiary unlock. A Moa ridden by a prospector with three pheromone modules is incredibly fast and can outrun any animal in Icarus. A mount's speed or stamina is not affected by the prospector's excess encumbrance.

Mount Persistence[]

Mounts can be sent to the space station using the Orbital Exchange Interface. Prospectors will need to call down an OES and bring their mount to OES. Once near, inspect the Orbital Exchange Shuttle, select the mount to be sent to orbit from the list bottom left, and select "Deliver to Station". A player can then bring that animal back down into another prospect. Mounts need to have saddles removed before shipment. Animals in orbit can only be viewed via the OEI interface.

Mounts that have been sent to orbit can be requested in any prospect, whether that be a Mission, Open World, or Outpost. This allows prospectors to train a Tusker or Hyena and bring them to Olympus or Prometheus where these animals are not native.



Various Saddles are available for mounts that can be crafted at the ITEM Ranching Station Ranching Station.

Bovine Pack Harness[]

The ITEM Bovine Pack Harness Bovine Pack Harness is crafted in the ITEM Ranching Station Ranching Station and can be placed on a Buffalo or Tusker. The harness adds 300kg weight capacity, 16 extra inventory slots, and two heavy cargo inventory slots for Equipment, but makes the mount unrideable.


Wooden Cart[]

A ITEM Wooden Cart Wooden Cart can be placed inside a Buffalo or Tuskers inventory, increasing the cargo inventory slots by 60 and weight capacity by 1,000 Kg. Attaching the cart makes the mount unrideable and reduces movement speed by 40%.

Seeding Cart[]

The ITEM Seeding Cart Seeding Cart can be placed inside a Buffalo or Tuskers inventory and can be used to create Dirt Mounds en mass for large farming operations if adequately supplied with at least 10 Dirt. Will use any Seeds stored within the carts inventory to create seeded dirt mounds. Does not plant seeds into Crop Plots and can be toggled to enable/disable the creation of dirt mounds.

Watering Cart[]

The ITEM Watering Cart Watering Cart can be placed inside a Buffalo or Tuskers inventory and can be used to water Dirt Mounds and Crop Plots. Can only be filled at nearby Water Barrels or Rain Reservoirs/Metal Rain Reservoirs.

Harvesting Cart[]

The ITEM Harvesting Cart Harvesting Cart can be placed inside a Buffalo or Tuskers inventory and can be used to harvest grown crops from Dirt Mounds and Crop Plots. Can be toggled to enable/disable the harvesting of crops.

Frequently Asked Questions[]

  • Q: My mount will get stuck on terrain and other obstacles while following me. Do they teleport to me if I'm far enough away?
    • A: If a mount is set to follow, it will teleport to the owner when stuck.
  • Q: Why is my camera off to the side while riding my mount?
    • A: While playing on a Dedicated Server or as a client in a P2P session, if you mount your animal and you are positioned to the right of the screen, remove the saddle and replace it to fix the issue.
  • Q: My juvenile / tamed mount does not drink/eat/sleep?
    • A: One reason might be the trough is placed too close to a wall or another obstacle. To move a water trough, fill your canteen from the trough, move the trough, fill it with your canteen again, and maybe also lead your animal close to it. Sometimes, an animal idling too close to a trough can prevent other animals from reaching it as well.
  • Q: How do I feed my mount(s) while on a journey?
    • A: Place any raw fruit/vegetable/animal feed or water source (canteen) in your hot bar, aim at an animal, and right-click it. Or take a food trough, food, a water trough, and the canteen to fill it with you, so multiple animals can eat and drink as required. Mounts should also drink from a river or in a cave. A bed is not required once taming has finished.