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Polar Bear Vestiges are used at the ITEM Trophy Bench Trophy Bench to create a Polar Bear Trophy, which can help prospectors complete the Bestiary. They are also used at the ITEM Advanced Textiles Bench Advanced Textiles Bench/ITEM Electric Textiles Bench Electric Textiles Bench to make Polar Bear Rugs. Decorative purposes aside, both provide a boost to coziness, which increases the duration and effect of the Well Rested Buff.

Taking a memento from a hunt is as old as mankind, ancient hunters used to make jewelry from animal teeth and bones. Nowadays mounting the head of a beast on your wall serves as a reminder of the hunt and a conversation starter with guests, reminisce your fellow prospectors with tales of your adventures.


Polar Bear Vestiges are obtained by skinning a Polar Bear while using a ITEM Taxidermy Knife Taxidermy Knife or by using any Knife while using the ITEM Xenon Backpack Xenon Backpack.
