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Raw Stringy Meat can be obtained by Skinning animals with a Knife. Eating Raw Stringy Meat will replenish Health there is a possibility of negative Status Effects when doing so. It is better to Cook first before eating.


Raw Stringy Meat decays at a very fast rate, and this decay can be slowed by storing it in an ITEM Ice Box Ice Box or ITEM Refrigerator Refrigerator. When it fully decays it becomes ITEM Spoiled Meat Spoiled Meat.


Raw Stringy Meat has a chance to be obtained by killing and skinning animals with a knife or a 100% chance with a ITEM Skinning Bench Skinning Bench.

100% Drop Chance with Knife from:[]

30% Drop Chance with Knife from:[]

30% Drop Chance with Knife from:[]

20% Drop Chance with Knife from:[]
