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Icarus Wiki


Roams the frigid wastelands of the Arctic Biomes.


Snow leopards are large, muscular cats with thick, white fur that helps them blend into their snowy mountain habitat. They have distinctive black spots and rosettes on their fur, and their long, bushy tail provides balance and warmth in cold temperatures.
Snow leopards are solitary animals. They are highly adapted to their mountain habitat and are able to climb steep, rocky terrain with ease. They are also skilled hunters and prey on a variety of animals, but are often killed for their valuable fur.
"Aren't they just the fuzziest? I've had these two following me for the last few days, some would say they're just exhibiting standard hunting behaviour but me? I know better. I swear they are this close to accepting me into their furry little family, I can just feel it... I wonder if an orbital laser would work for playtime..."


Harvesting a snow leopard carcass with any knife will produce resources. Skinning with a ITEM Taxidermy Knife Taxidermy Knife will produce a Head that can be used to make a Trophy. The resources obtained when processing Snow Leopard carcasses at Skinning Bench:

ITEM Skinning Bench Skinning Bench
Amount Resources
40 ITEM Leather Leather
15 ITEM Fur Fur
20 ITEM Bone Bone
3 ITEM Raw Meat Raw Meat
2 ITEM Raw Stringy Meat Raw Stringy Meat

Corpse Text[]

An exotic, evasive predator of the ice.
