A native creature sometimes called the 'Stalker'. weak to poison and electric shock.
The Stalker has a strong pack mentality, oriented around small family groups. The only creature native to Icarus to show such intense bonds. It's strong, agile and smart. The perfect hunter.
"Stalkers are regarded as one of the more, if not the most frightening creatures found on Icarus. While there are larger, more aggressive creatures, the stalker is intelligent. Living up to their name, Prospectors report being followed for hours - days even, the stalker biding its time to strike. Ambush behavior is common, it's highly recommended to request help when dealing with these creatures.
"At first I thought it was all in my head, no one else thought we were being followed. But, sticking with my gut is why I'm still here, and the rest of my team aren't. It starts as a flare of dread in your chest, if you feel a prickle down the back of your neck, then you're already too late."
Skinning a Snow Striker carcass will produce resources, and requires an Bone Knife or better. A Snow Striker can be transported to a
Skinning Bench. Skinning with a
Taxidermy Knife will produce a Head that can be used to make a Trophy.