The Orbital Space Station where you will spend your time between prospects on Icarus. Here you can access different amenities which will aid you in your prospects.
Character Selection[]
On this page, Prospectors can create new characters, select different characters to take on prospects, and adjust game settings.
The Home page is accessed by selecting a character first. In the Home page, Prospectors can resume a Prospect they are hosting, choose to start a New Prospect, load a Prospect they are the host of, or join another friend on their Prospect. The Talents and Tech Tree associated with that character can be accessed but blueprint points must be spent while in a prospect. Prospectors can customize their characters from this screen as well and can check their Field Guide and Accolades.
The Loadout tab is where Prospectors can view and repair (right-click) the Orbital Tech they have crafted from the Workshop (left-hand side), which items are currently in a Prospect (right-hand side), and retrieve insured items (right-hand side). To retrieve insured items, the items must be insured prior to being taken into a Prospect. If they are not insured and are left on planet, the loadout will be marked as Settled and will only have the "Delete Loadout" option present.
Aboard the Space Station this is where Prospectors spend Ren and Exotics to research and craft new Orbital Tech. Prospectors can also convert Exotics to Ren at a 5 to 1 ratio.