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Steel Bloom is a crafted resource that can be smelted in a ITEM Stone Furnace Stone Furnace, ITEM Concrete Furnace Concrete Furnace or ITEM Electric Furnace Electric Furnace to make a ITEM Steel Ingot Steel Ingot. It can made made from ITEM Iron Ore Iron Ore or ITEM Iron Ingot Iron Ingot and ITEM Coal Ore Coal Ore or ITEM Charcoal Charcoal.


Steel Bloom is crafted in the Mortar and Pestle with the following resources:

ITEM Mortar and Pestle Mortar and Pestle
Amount Resources
6 ITEM Iron Ore Iron Ore
1 ITEM Coal Ore Coal Ore
Alternate Recipe ITEM Mortar and Pestle Mortar and Pestle
Amount Resources
3 ITEM Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
1 ITEM Coal Ore Coal Ore

ITEM Mortar and Pestle Mortar and Pestle
Amount Resources
3 ITEM Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
20 ITEM Charcoal Charcoal
Alternate Recipe ITEM Mortar and Pestle Mortar and Pestle
Amount Resources
3 ITEM Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
20 ITEM Charcoal Charcoal