The Terrenus is an engineered descendant of Earth's horses.
A jeuvenile Terrenus can be tamed and used as a Mount.
Its compact, sturdy build allows for swift movement through most areas. Sinotai came to find that genetic splicing with Eurasian wild boar resulted in significantly heightened endurance in these creatures. Unlike their predecessors, the Terranus is less likely to flee a predator - using its tusks to defend themselves and their kin.
Initial reports on Terrenus development showed concern regarding their ability to be trained for use on time-sensitive drops, where Contractors needed a reliable source of swift transportation. The first batch released into the terrazone disappeared within 72 hours, costing Sinotai a small fortune in lost revenue. The following group were fixed with tracking beacons, and a somewhat controversial device to keep them within a set radius of their designated work zone.
Moas. They're noisy and they **** everywhere. I'm sick of em... These guys? WAY better. They may not be as fast, but it sure beats cleaning bird droppings all over your base.
Skinning a Terrenus carcass will produce resources, for which a Stone Knife is sufficient. Because of its weight, a Terrenus cannot be transported to a Skinning Bench. Skinning with a Taxidermy Knife will produce a Terrenus Vestige that can be used to make a Terrenus Trophy.