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Due to the failed terraforming process on Icarus, the moon is wracked by frequent weather events, both beautiful and frightening visuals can be seen in a single day. The failed terraforming zone shares a moderately Earth-like climate, and the weather events that roll across Icarus's surface are somewhat comparable to those from Earth but supercharged to a degree. The types and intensity of weather events vary across the various biomes on Icarus.

As the Prospector's drop ship settles onto Icarus’s soil in the early hours of the morning, they can expect to cast their eyes on stunning clear skies and sunshine that touches the trees, lakes, and mountain tops. Prospectors have little time to forage for Resources, Craft early Tier Tools and Weapons, and Build Shelter prior to their first event encounter. There is no rhyme and reason for which storm they will experience first, meaning the more prepared they are, the better.

Event Severities and Dangers[]

Weather events are listed below in general order of amplitude, but due to variability Prospectors should know that some "lighter" weather events can be as intense as some listed as "heavier." Additionally, as the Prospector attempts more difficult missions, the overall level of weather events can increase, resulting in "lighter" storms ripping through wooden buildings and "heavier" storms that can demolish stone dwellings.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ to Icarus's weather systems. The weather tiers in Icarus range from light showers to chaotic, torrential thunder weather events. They are also unique to their Biomes, with blizzards in the Arctic and sand weather events in the Desert. Each weather tier provides a visual and audio experience and even more importantly, a game-altering experience based on its severity. One of the biggest culprits is lightning.

A targeted lighting strike will set some structures ablaze, along with Prospectors who are not careful and out of cover. A tree caught by a lightning strike will spread its fire throughout nearby trees and ground-level foliage. Besides lightning, many weather events will damage Prospector's Buildings and Deployables. For example, lightning from the flash storm in the Forest biome will often ignite Thatch Building Pieces and those made from Wood. Deployables like Crafting Benches will take damage from winds if placed near an open window. Care should be taken when selecting Building materials and when constructing buildings for this reason.


Exposure is a genuine danger, and while a Prospector can attempt to push through a storm without shelter, the Negative Status Effect from exposure will start to damage the Prospector, and without shelter, death will swiftly come to them. The same goes for unsheltered Deployables, which will deteriorate and break over time.

Weather Event Tiers[]

Weather events occur once per block in the current Weather Forecast, with a 25% chance to be 1 tier lower, and a 25% chance to be one tier higher, leaving a 50% chance to be the same tier as the block. Some Tier 3 and 4 storms will damage wood and material of similar strength (and below) while Tier 5 and 6 Storms can damage stone and equivalent. No storms currently damage Concrete. Each weather event has three stages, Start/End, Body, Chaos. Depending on the severity of the Event and your Exposure Resistance the Start/End stage is where you determine shelter options. The Body or darker green stage you will experience exposure to some degree. The mid point of the storm is Chaos, there can be multiple chaos periods within the center of the Event. Once a player reaches 100% exposure, health will drop and in extreme storms a player will die without taking precautions.

Storm Biome Length in Seconds Tier
Ashen Billows Volcanic 340 0 WeatherTier0
Clearing Wind Swamp 340 0 WeatherTier0
Scattered Hail Grassland 310 0 WeatherTier0
Showers Forest 340 0 WeatherTier0
Light Acid Fog Swamp 340 0 WeatherTier0
Very LIght Sand Desert 340 0 WeatherTier0
Very Light Snow Arctic 340 0 WeatherTier0
Acid Haze Swamp 360 1 WeatherTier1
Arid Winds Desert 360 1 WeatherTier1
Arctic Winds Arctic 360 1 WeatherTier1
Ashen Haze Volcanic 430 1 WeatherTier1
Rain Forest 460 1 WeatherTier1
Sulfuric Rumbling Volcanic 430 1 WeatherTier1
Swamp Winds Swamp 380 1 WeatherTier1
Acid Showers Swamp 470 2 WeatherTier2
Acid Showers Volcanic 470 2 WeatherTier2
Ember Sprinkles Volcanic 390 2 WeatherTier2
Light Hail Grassland 360 2 WeatherTier2
Light Wind Forest 410 2 WeatherTier2
Light Sand Desert 400 2 WeatherTier2
Light Snow Arctic 490 2 WeatherTier2
Swamp Gusts Swamp 440 2 WeatherTier2
Acid Smog Swamp 340 3 WeatherTier3
Ashen Smog Volcanic 460 3 WeatherTier3
Hail Peltering Grassland 460 3 WeatherTier3
Heatwave Desert 460 3 WeatherTier3
Putrid Gases Swamp 380 3 WeatherTier3
Storm Forest 460 3 WeatherTier3
Snow Arctic 490 3 WeatherTier3
Sulfuric Storm Volcanic 430 3 WeatherTier3
Volcanic Heatwave Volcanic 460 3 WeatherTier3
Acid Rain Storm Swamp 420 4 WeatherTier4
Acid Rain Storm Volcanic 420 4 WeatherTier4
Hailstorm Grassland 480 4 WeatherTier4
Snow Storm Arctic 400 4 WeatherTier4
Medium Sand Desert 400 4 WeatherTier4
Flash Storm Forest 275 4 WeatherTier4
Scattered Embers Volcanic 450 4 WeatherTier4
Swamp Gales Swamp 430 4 WeatherTier4
Ashen Veil Volcanic 450 5 WeatherTier5
Severe Desert Winds Desert 470 5 WeatherTier5
Shamal Desert 520 5 WeatherTier5
Severe Winds Forest 460 5 WeatherTier5
Sulfuric Upheaval Volcanic 430 5 WeatherTier5
Medium Snow Arctic 490 5 WeatherTier5
Severe Arctic Winds Arctic 470 5 WeatherTier5
Thick Acid Fog Swamp 385 5 WeatherTier5
Thick Putrid Gases Swamp 380 5 WeatherTier5
Thunder Storm Forest 475 5 WeatherTier5
Acid Deluge Swamp 380 6 WeatherTier6
Acid Deluge Volcanic 380 6 WeatherTier6
Ember Storm Volcanic 490 6 WeatherTier6
Heavy Sand Desert 400 6 WeatherTier6
Blizzard Arctic 520 6 WeatherTier6
Heavy Rain Forest 460 6 WeatherTier6
Heavy Snow Arctic 490 6 WeatherTier6
Weather Infographic

Above is an infographic indicating how resistant each building material is to each storm tier.
Note: Glass building pieces are the equivalent of wood building pieces, but reinforced glass pieces are the equivalent of stone building pieces. To create reinforced glass building pieces, the ITEM Glassworking Bench Glassworking Bench must be connected to an active water network providing at least 250 units of water (requires a ITEM Water Pump Water Pump and ITEM Water Pipe Tool Water Pipe Tool).

Weather Event Biome Variations[]

There are various types of weather events on Icarus, which range from light weather events to extreme weather events. Each biome also have its own exclusive weather events. The intensity of weather events is often tied to the ferocity of the wind.

Arctic Biome Weather Events[]

In the Arctic, weather events usually bring snow and colder temperatures. Prospectors who are wearing Fur Armor or Polar Bear Armor can mitigate storm effects slightly, but the extremely cold temperatures found in the biome require both Shelter and a source of heat to avoid Exposure and death.
Weather Events in the Arctic include:

WeatherEvent LightSnow

Light Snow

WeatherEvent MediumSnow

Medium Snow

WeatherEvent HeavySnow

Heavy Snow

WeatherEvent ExtremeSnowstorm

Extreme Snowstorm

Desert Biome Weather Events[]

In the Desert, weather events involve blowing sands and scorching temperatures. Sturdy structures are required, preferably made from Concrete Building Pieces to mitigate the high temperatures.
Weather events in the Desert include:

WeatherEvent LightSand

Light Sand

WeatherEvent MediumSand

Medium Sand

WeatherEvent HeavySand

Heavy Sand

WeatherEvent ExtremeSandstorm

Extreme Sandstorm

Forest Biome Weather Events[]

In the Forest, weather events usually entail precipitation, winds and lightning. Prospectors easily ride out a storm if they have Shelter, as temperatures are not extreme in the Forest.
Weather Events in the Forest include:
Light Rain
WeatherEvent LightRain
Light Winds
WeatherEvent Winds Light
Medium Rain
WeatherEvent MediumRain
Medium Lightning
WeatherEvent Lightning Medium
Heavy Rain
WeatherEvent HeavyRain
Extreme Winds
WeatherEvent Winds Extreme
Extreme Rain
WeatherEvent ExtremeRain
Extreme Lightning
WeatherEvent Lightning Extreme
