Icarus Wiki
Icarus Wiki
Icarus Wiki


Aboard the Space Station, Prospectors can spend Ren and Exotics to research and craft new Orbital Tech.

Once an item has been researched and crafted, the newly crafted item can be seen on the left hand side of the Loadout tab. When claiming a Prospect, Workshop items can be added to the dropship cargo and will be taken to the planet. 15 workshop items can be taken to the planet in the dropship.

Prospectors can also access the workshop while on Icarus through the Orbital Exchange Interface.


Prospectors will need to research items to progress through the Workshop tree. Once an item is researched, that item is now available for purchase and more items are unlocked for research in the tree.

While under the Workshop tab, Prospectors can sell 1xIcon Exotic Currency for 5xIcon Ren Currency.
